LED poster display 2

More and more advertisements are now being showcased on the LED poster all over the world. With LED poster display becoming cheaper and more vibrant, it’s one of the most effective ways to advertise as it engages all the potential customers’ senses. However, to enjoy using LED posters as an efficient means of communication, you have to pick the most suitable display depending on your specific needs. Below are factors to consider when choosing LED poster display.

  • Indoor Or Outdoor LED Poster Display?

One of the main factors that dictate the digital led poster price is the area of use. Usually, the main difference between an outdoor and indoor LED display is IP protection. IP protection includes various factors like protection against water and dust and various weather elements. Additionally, customization in brightness rate also depends on the light exposure. As expected, most outdoor displays can be used indoors but indoors displays used outside will be easily susceptible to damage.

  • Floor Or Corner LED Poster Display?

The area in which the LED display will be mounted is vital as it aids in choosing the led poster frame. Often, installation on the floor includes using a protection mount to avoid damage from being mounted directly on the floor. Likewise, you have the option of installing an LED display along round corners hence special consideration in the vertical and horizontal specs should be taken into account for a sturdy mount.

  • Temporarily Or Permanent LED Poster Display?

The duration the led poster screen will be up will affect the overall installation process. As expected, temporary poster displays are and fast to install when compared to fixed installation for permanent displays. The main difference in the two includes fast locks used, mechanical elements for connection and calibration, protection from rapid wear and tear and weight of the LED poster display.

LED poster display 3
  • LED Poster Display Sunlight Panel Sensitivity

To ensure maximum durability of the digital led poster, considering exposure to direct sunlight is essential. Before choosing, consider how the panels will affect the colors and the overall brightness.  Next, consider how long and how much sun exposure it can withstand. Usually, the technological mechanism used allows automatic adjustment of brightness in more sunlight exposure but ensure you counter check to be sure.  

  • Resolution And Ratio Of The LED Poster Display?

Finally, consider the right pixel for your led frames. When doing so, counter check both the minimum resolution for both the vertical and horizontal axis. Doing so allows you to avoid having images that look distorted and unrealistic. Remember, the lower the pixel, the higher the resolution and the higher your chances of having a uniform and consistent image.

  • Conclusion

As seen above various factors need consideration when choosing an LED poster. Not only does this makes it easy to maintain, but it acts as an effective means of communicating and advertising. Overall, before selecting an LED poster display to invest in, note down the specific area of use and purpose, technical support and customization ability to narrow down the specs of the LED display for maximum effectiveness.


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