Need Contributors

Manufacturingtoday welcomes articles and blog posts. If you are interested in writing to us, please fill in the form below.

Important points:

Please submit submission and complete articles in the form below.

We will give priority to the original reports and analysis, but we will also consider the comments. Please note that we cover only the Asia Pacific region.

The submission scope of one of our blog sections should be between 400 and 800 words, while feature articles usually start at about 1200 words. Especially for original reports, we recommend that we first contribute to editors.

If you are pasted a complete article, please submit an Word document instead of an PDF document. We encourage the use of online hyperlinks to identify sources.

If you seek compensation, make this clear in your tone and whether the article has been published elsewhere. Any payment must be agreed by the editor in advance.

As we have received a large number of submissions, we will contact you only when we feel we can accept your work. If you do not receive our mail within three working days, please feel free to submit your article to other publications.

Please submit your article or submit a manuscript. Do not submit it to multiple editors.